Book to read: Functions of matrices by Nick Higham
It is very easy to define a matrix polynomial as
$$ P(A) = \sum_{k=0}^n c_k A^k. $$Side-note: Hamilton-Cayley theorem states that $F(A) = 0$ where $F(\lambda) = \det(A - \lambda I)$, thus all matrix polynomials have degree $\leq n-1$.
We can define a function of the matrix by Taylor series:
$$ f(A) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} c_k A^k. $$The convergence is understood as the convergence in some matrix norm.
Example of such series is the Neumann series
$$ (I - F)^{-1} = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} F^k, $$which is well defined for $\rho(F) < 1$.
The most well-known matrix function is matrix exponential. In the scalar case,
$$ e^x = 1 + x + \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{6} + \ldots = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{x^k}{k!}, $$and it directly translates to the matrix case:
$$ e^A = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{A^k}{k!}, $$the series that always converges, because the series
$$\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{\Vert A \Vert^k}{k!} = e^{\Vert A \Vert}.$$A lot of practical problems are reduced to a system of linear ODEs of the form
$$ \frac{dy}{dt} = Ay, \quad y(0) = y_0. $$The formal solution is given by $y(t) = e^{At} y_0$, so if we know $e^{At}$ (or can compute matrix-by-vector product fast) there is a big gain over the time-stepping schemes.
Matrix exponential can be much better than solving using, say, Euler scheme:
$$\frac{dy}{dt} \approx \frac{y_{k+1} - y_k}{\tau} = A y_k, \quad y_{k+1} = y_k + \tau A y_k,$$if we know how to compute the product of the matrix exponential by vector using only matrix-by-vector product.
For dense matrices matrix exponential also provides exact answer to the ODE for any $t$, compared to the approximation by time-stepping schemes.
There are many ways, even for the matrix exponential!
The simplest way is to diagonalize the matrix:
where the columns of $S$ are eigenvectors of the matrix $A$, then
$$ F(A) = S F(\Lambda) S^{-1}. $$Problem: diagonalization can be unstable! (and not every matrix is diagonalizable)
Let us look how matrices are diagonalizable:
import numpy as np
eps = 1e-4
p = 4
a = np.eye(p)
for i in range(p-1):
a[i, i+1] = 1
a[p-1, 2] = eps
val, vec = np.linalg.eig(a)
#print a
print(np.linalg.norm(a -[:, np.newaxis] * np.linalg.inv(vec))))
#print 'S * D * S^{-1}:'
print([:, np.newaxis] * np.linalg.inv(vec)))
Now we can compute a function for perturbed Jordan block.
import numpy as np
eps = 1e-16
p = 5
a = np.eye(p)
for i in range(p-1):
a[i, i+1] = 1
a[p-1, 0] = eps
a = np.array(a)
val, vec = np.linalg.eig(a)
print(np.linalg.norm(a -
fun = lambda x: np.exp(x)
#Using diagonalization
fun_diag =
#Using Schur
import scipy.linalg
fun_m = scipy.linalg.expm(a)
print('Difference = {}'.format(np.linalg.norm(fun_m - fun_diag)))
function works¶The exponential of a matrix is a special function, so there are special methods for its computation.
For a general function $F$, there is a beautiful Schur-Parlett algorithm, which is based on the Schur theorem
Therefore, $F(A)=U F(T) U^*$
We only need to compute the function of triangular matrices.
We know values on the diagonals
$$ F_{ii} = F(T_{ii}), $$and also we know that
$$ F T = T F $$the matrix function commutes with the matrix itself. The function of a triangular matrix is a triangular matrix as well. Using the known values on the diagonal and the commutativity property, we get the diagonals of the matrix one-by-one:
$$f_{ij} = t_{ij} \frac{f_{ii} - f_{jj}}{t_{ii} - t_{jj}} + \sum_{k=i+1}^{j-1} \frac{f_{ik} t_{kj} - t_{ki}f_{kj}}{t_{ii} - t_{jj}}.$$One way to define a matrix function $f(A)$ is to use Jordan canonical form.
A much more elegant way is to use Cauchy integral representation:
]where $f(z)$ is analytic on and inside a closed contour $\Gamma$ that encloses the spectrum of $A$.
This series is a bad idea (even for a scalar case, can you guess why?)
This form for $e^A$ almost assumes a Krylov method for the evaluation of $e^{At} y_0,$ by the way.
import numpy as np
x = -30.0 #Point
k = 1000000 #Number of terms
b = 1.0
x0 = x
for i in range(1, k):
b += x0
x0 *= x/(i+1)
print('Error in the exponent: {}'.format((b - np.exp(x))/np.exp(x)))
The series convergence for the matrix exponential can be slow for large $x!$ (and slow for big norm).
What we can do?
where $H$ is a small upper Hessenberg matrix, for which we can use, for example, the Schur-Parlett algorithm.
The convergence of the Krylov method can be quite slow: it is actually a polynomial approximation to a function.
And convergence of polynomial approximation to the matrix function can be slow.
Idea: Replace by rational approximation!
where $p(x)$ and $q(x)$ are polynomials and computation of a rational function of a matrix is reduced to matrix-matrix products and matrix inversions.
#Computing Pade approximant
import numpy as np
import mpmath
%matplotlib inline
from mpmath import pade, taylor, polyval
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-5, -1, 128)
a = taylor(mpmath.exp, 0, 20) #Taylor series
k1 = 10
k2 = 10
p, q = pade(a, k1, k2) #Pade approximant
#plt.plot(x, polyval(p[::-1], x)/polyval(q[::-1], x) - np.exp(x))
plt.semilogy(x, polyval(a[::-1], x) - np.exp(x))
_ = plt.title('Error of the Pade of order {0:d}/{1:d}'.format(k1, k2) )
The "canonical algorithm" for the computation of the matrix exponential also relies on scaling of the matrix $A:$
$$\exp(A) = \exp(A/2^k)^{(2^k)}.$$The matrix then can have a small norm, thus:
Large-scale matrices obviously do not allow for efficient scaling-and-squaring (need to work with dense matrices), thus we can use Krylov methods or (better) Rational Krylov methods.
The idea of a rational Krylov subspace is motivated by the idea of rational approximation instead of polynomial approximation.
Krylov methods rely on polynomial approximations
The simplest (yet efficient) approach is based on the so-called extended Krylov subspaces:
$$KE(A, b) = \mathrm{Span}(\ldots, A^{-2} b, A^{-1} b, b, A b, A^2 b, \ldots)$$At each step you add a vector of the form $A w$ and $A^{-1} w$ to the subspace, and orthogonalize the result (rational Arnoldi method).
I.e., we need only linear system solver for one step, but since the matrix $A$ is fixed, we can factorize it once
Rational Krylov methods are the most efficient for the computation of matrix functions:
where $H = Q^* A Q.$
It requires one solver and matrix-by-vector product at each step.
contains all information about graph's spectrum
where $p(x)$ is distribution with zero mean and unit variance, e.g. Rademacher or standard normal distributions
Now, let us briefly talk about other matrix functions:
is a projector onto the subspace spanned by all positive eigenvalues.
This iteration converges quadratically to the sign function.
You can also get a polynomial iteration, proposed by R. Byers
which arises in optimal control and stochastic control.
The inverse square root of the matrix, $A^{-1/2}$ is also often important.
For example, the multidimensional Gaussian distribution with covariance matrix $A = A^* > 0$ is given by the
Suppose $x$ is really huge (millions), how we generate samples, given a structured matrix $A$?
The simplest algorithm is to generate a normally distributed vector $y$ with $y_i$ from $N(0, 1)$, and then compute
The vector $x$ will have the desired distribution.
To compute matrix square root it is very efficient to use rational Krylov subspaces.
is called matrix equation.
We will discuss two matrix equations:
where $A$ and $B$ are given, and its special case, continious Lyapunov equation,
$$ A X + XA^{\top} = C,$$and
for $t \rightarrow \infty$.
Model order reduction of linear time-invariant systems:
$$\frac{dx}{dt} = Ax + Bu, \quad y = C x,$$where $x$ is state, $u$ is control, and $y$ is the observable. We want to approximate it by a smaller-dimensional linear system
$$ \frac{d\widehat{x}}{dt} = \widehat{A} \widehat{x} + \widehat{B} u, \quad y = \widehat{C} \widehat{x}, $$in such a way that the output of the reduced system is close to the output of the original (big one).
The optimal $\widehat{A}, \widehat{B}, \widehat{C}$ can be recovered from the solution of the auxiliary Lyaupunov equations.
This is a system of linear equations for $X$.
It can be rewritten as a linear system using the vec and Kronecker product operations.
First, we introduce the $\mathrm{vec}$ operation by taking the element of a matrix into a one long vector.
A Kronecker product of two matrices $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n_1 \times m_1}, \quad B \in \mathbb{R}^{n_2 \times m_2}$ is a matrix $C$ of size $(n_1 n_2) \times (m_1 m_2)$.
Of the block form
$$A \otimes B = [a_{ij} B].$$We have
$$\mathrm{vec}(A X B^{\top}) = (B \otimes A) \mathrm{vec}(X).$$in the form
$$\mathrm{vec}(AX + X B) = (I \otimes A + B^{\top} \otimes I) \mathrm{vec}(X) = \mathrm{vec}(C).$$It is a matrix of size $n^2$, thus Gaussian elimination will take $\mathcal{O}(n^6)$ operations.
We can do it in $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$ operations!
Let us compute Schur decomposition of $A$ and $B$:
$$A = Q_A T_A Q^*_A, \quad B^{\top} = Q_B T_B Q^*_B.$$Then, we have
$$(I \otimes A + B^{\top} \otimes I) = (I \otimes ( Q_A T_A Q^*_A ) + (Q_B T_B Q^*_B \otimes I) = (Q_B \otimes Q_A) ( I \otimes T_A + T_B \otimes I) (Q^* _B \otimes Q^*_A). $$We have
$$(Q_B \otimes Q_A)^{-1} = Q^*_B \otimes Q^*_A,$$thus we only need to solve an auxiliary linear system with the matrix
$$I \otimes T_A + T_B \otimes I.$$Note, that if $A$ and $B$ are Hermitian, then $T_A$ and $T_B$ are diagonal, and this matrix is diagonal!
We have the system
$$(I \otimes T_A + T_B \otimes I) z = g,$$in the matrix form:
$$T_A Z + Z T^{\top}_B = G.$$Then we just write the equation elementwise and see that the equations are solved successively for $Z_{11}, Z_{21}, \ldots, $.